For any new members / friends of HRC (and to remind our established members / attendees) we meet at 18:30 every Mon evening from 6th Jan through to Mon 31st Mar. Each week will be a different session and regardless of ability, the emphasis will be on ensuring everyone enjoys / benefits from the sessions.
To cover the cost of hiring the track we do have to apply a small weekly charge to attendees of £2 per week
U18’s – FREE
Over 60s – FREE
To entice people (encourage them to commit to all sessions) there is the chance to sign-up for all 12 weeks of training (between Jan and Mar) at a greatly reduced rate:
HRC members £10 each (NOTE: £18 for 2 people from the same family)
Non-HRC members £12 each (NOTE: £20 for 2 people from the same family)
If you have never tried track sessions before (or have but not with HRC) then pop down one Mon evening and see what makes 60+ other people return week after week – still not tempted? We also have the unwritten rule whereby the first track session you attend is free….so in the unlikely event you do not like our training sessions you are not charged 👍